Transcription, chilli ring spot virus, potyviruses, recombination, solanaceaeAbstract
The chilli ring spot virus (ChiRSV) is one of the most important viruses of chilli crop in Southeast Asia
and China. Chilli ring spot virus (ChiRSV) has been found the most devastating virus not only for chilli crop but
also for solanaceous crops. In severe cases, up to 100% yield losses have been observed in chilli crop. A large virus
vector population spreads this disease throughout Southeast Asia and China. The diversity of this Potyvirus has
been proven after examination of many samples isolated from different locations in China and Vietnam, which have
shown the virus has successfully prevalent in that part of the world. The phylogenetic investigation of this potyvirus
included 11 full size samples in total. Phylogenetic study of different samples indicates that two sequences
(KT633930, KX379001) are ancestors of all sequences and others are descendants. Later on, with the passage of
time, these sequences (KT633930, KX379001) evolve and different strains, variants and species arrived.
Recombination analysis shows that there is no recombination in any sequence and all sequences are quite unique.
We have also determined replacement frequencies for Potyviruses. According to our findings, ChiRSV is very
important pathogen for not only Solanaceae family but also for other crops because of its presence on different
other host plants.
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