maize, salt stress, NaCl, root length, shoot lengthAbstract
Maize is an important cereal crop lies at third after wheat and rice in Pakistan. It is very sensitive to salt, heat, drought, cold and heavy metal stresses. To evaluate the effects of salt (NaCl) on maize plant we have conducted a research experiment in the Green House of Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Lahore. We select hybrid P1429, P5971 and P6103 of Maize to access the effect of different concentrations of NaCl stress included control, 0.25Molar NaCl, 0.5Molar NaCl, 0.75Molar NaCl, and 1Molar NaCl applications. The pots were filled with pure sand and seeds of each hybrid were sown in each pot and were let to germinate. After 7 days of germination the data was collected for leaf length, root length, shoot length and root/shoot length ratio. The pots were then given the treatment and data of above mentioned traits was recorded, the application of treatments and data recording were repeated 4 times. The data recorded (4 times each after one week) was subjected to pooled analysis of variance to find significant differences among hybrids and treatments. The result of our study showed that there were significant correlation among root length, shoot length and leaf length of seedlings, from average performance of hybrid P6103 was better as compared with other two hybrids under higher salt stress conditions. It was suggested from our study that the hybrid P6103 may be used as salt tolerance hybrids for improving grain and fodder yield of maize under salt stress condition.
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