HCV, liver, ribavirin, cirrhosis, drug, cancer, interferonAbstract
HCV is the main reason of the liver disease and worldwide it is one of the major issues of health due to its development into cirrhosis, failure and cancer of liver. The transference of HCV is mainly through the parental but people who use drug like intravenous are also at greatest threat. The life cycle of HCV is now understood in a more precise way due to extensive studies. Due to more understanding of this virus there is establishment of more effectual antiviral medications and also diagnostic devices. Test of nucleic acids are suggested for the validation of active HCV. Serology tests are suggested for the groups that are at the greatest risk. Earlier for the standard medications of HCV interferon (IFN-a) and ribavirin are used. Later FDA approved a number of drugs such as harvoni, simeprevir and boceprevir etc. for the proper treatment of HCV. Antiviral medications will be utilized to treat the infections of HCV. In the management of certain severe viral infection, therapeutic option has improved in a better way. There is need of follow-up and careful consideration as well as there are many new technologies that have developed for the quantitative measurement of viral genome concentration in the body fluid of patients. Initially this measurement led to important insight in the viral infection pathogenesis as well as these test also revolutionized natural history of HCV. In addition viral load test are pure tool for research, these are used in routine viral diagnosis. Viral load test are used in clinical virology for diagnosis and prognosis of patient’s.
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