Conocarpus erectus, phytochemical, antibacterial, antioxidant, hepta-protectiveAbstract
Mangroves speak to regions of high organic profitability and it is a locale wealthy in bioactive substances utilized in medication invention. Conocarpus erectus has placed in the family Combretaceae, in one of the two species of Conocarpus genus and ordinarily exists in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, right through West Indies, America and Africa. The fundamental goal of this audit was to draw attention to the applicable reported information distributed about its phytochemistry, therapeutic potential, botanical aspects as well as traditional uses of Conocarpus erectus. C. erectus is an evergreen tree with 20cm in diameter and 6m tall with scattering crown. This plant was selected because of its huge medicinal importance. The extract of Conocarpus erectus (leaves, shoot, bark & fruit) parts shows high antibacterial, antioxidant and hepta-protective activities due to phenolic content. It contains phenol such as tannin and flavinoid as major component. Tannin has high antibacterial activity than other compound. C. erectus is notable for its folkloristic curative potential.
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