
  • A RAZA Department of Gastroenterology & Medicine, Nishter Medical University and Hospital (NMU & H) Multan, Pakistan
  • MSN KHAN Department of Medicine, Multan Medical and Dental College, MMDC & Ibn e Sina Hospital Multan, Pakistan
  • AR KHAN Department of Medicine, Nishter Medical University and Hospital (NMU & H) Multan, Pakistan
  • M NAEEM Department of Medicine, Ibn e Sina Hospital Lahore, Pakistan
  • S SERWER Department of Gastroenterology, Azhra Naheed Hospital Lahore, Pakistan
  • MA ASLAM Bio-Medical Statistical Analysist, BZU Multan, Pakistan



Liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis C, Prognostic markers, Lipid profile


The retrospective study was conducted in the Hepatology & Medicine  Department of the hospital from January 2022 to January 2023 to assess the association of the lipid profile of cirrhotic patients with scores including MELD and Child-Pugh. The study included patients aged > 18 years who had cirrhosis due to hepatitis C infection. Demographic data, biochemical parameters, and MELD and Child-Pugh scores of the participants were recorded. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.0. Results showed a statistically significant inverse correlation between lipid fractions and Child-Pugh score (P<0.001). The higher MELD score was correlated with lower TG (P=0.003), VLDL (P=0.030), LDL (P<0.001), HDL (P<0.001), and TC (P<0.001) levels. There is a significant association between MELD and Child-Pugh prognostic markers and reduced lipid profiles of cirrhotic patients. These results suggest using a lipid profile as a supplemental tool for evaluating liver disease.


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How to Cite

RAZA , A., KHAN , M., KHAN , A., NAEEM , M., SERWER , S., & ASLAM , M. (2023). ASSOCIATION BETWEEN LIPID PROFILE OF CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS AND PROGNOSTIC SCORES. Biological and Clinical Sciences Research Journal, 2023(1), 312.

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