cotton, drought, root length, shoot length, hybridsAbstract
The present studies clearly indicated that expressivity of some of the genes was changed due to the simulated drought conditions. The root increases in length in response to drought thus utilizes more photosynthates changing the sink and ultimately reducing the shoot growth. The shift due to drought indicated that the growth and morphological development of root system are under genetic control but may be modified by environmental influences. To screen out drought tolerant and drought susceptible genotypes on the basis of morphological seedling traits such as root characters and root / shoot length ratio. After screening, three drought tolerant genotypes namely BH-124,149-F and DPL-26 and three drought susceptible genotypes i.e. CIM-446, FH-945 and VH-28 were identified which may be used in further hybridization programme to develop drought tolerance varieties and hybrids.
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