Acute abdominal pain, Appendicities, necrotizing enterocolitis, Crohn’s disease, Ulcer disease, IBDAbstract
Objective: In this study, our major concern is to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography with the help of previous literature. Ultrasonography is a major instrument to diagnose the initial abdomen pain but its sensitivity and specificity level are highly neglected in some studies. In this study, we aim to gather all the relevant data of the past decade and perform a systematic review on it. Methodology: For this study, we follow the Preferred Reporting Items guideline for conducting this systematic review analysis (PRISMA). We search electronic articles from 2011 to 2018 on PUB Med, online Willey library, and ScienceDirect and Research Gate site. Results: At the initial stage of gathering data, we found seven hundred and sixty-two articles with selected keywords. In the first screening, we excluded 262 duplicate articles and further screen out the rest of 498 articles. At the last stage, we found 24 articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria and had adequate data on our topic. In the summary of weighted values of data, we observed that both sensitivity and specificity of the collected data are greater than 90%. Conclusion: A complete evaluation of acute abdominal pain needs time and experience to detect the morphological association of abdominal structures and their functioning. Ultrasonography assists in quick evaluation of the intestine wall with the association of laboratory and clinical outcomes.
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