growth, yield, broadcast, side drilling, phosphorous level, application methodsAbstract
The effects of five phosphorus levels and two fertilizer application methods on the growth, yield and quality of linseed were evaluated at the Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Linseed variety ‟Chandni” was grown under triplicate RCBD factorial design following two application methods of fertilizer, including side drilling and broadcast, with different doses of P2O5, i.e. 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1,using DAP as a source in sub plots, with net plot size of 5 m × 1.8 m. The data was recorded for different traits and statistically analyzed which showed highly significant results with respect to side drilling method; while, parameters including time to start germination and time taken to 50% germination showed non-significant effect in regard of phosphorus application methods. Broadcasting method of application has showed statistically significant results for mean emergence time, plant population, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of seeds per capsule, seed yield and biological yield as well. Among different phosphorus levels, phosphorus applied @ 60 kgha-1 significantly affected maximum to start germination, mean emergence time, plant height, number of capsule per plant, number of seeds per capsule, biological yield and seed protein content; while, plant population, 1000-seed weight, seed oil content were significantly affected by the phosphorus applied @ 40 kgha-1. Among the interaction effect between application method and different phosphorus levels, phosphorus applied @ 60 kgha-1 through the method of side drilling significantly affected the time to start germination, mean emergence time, plant height, biological yield and seed protein content. It was concluded from our study that the application method of side drilling and level of phosphorus when applied @ 60 kgha-1 significantly affected on growth, yield and quality of linseed.
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