RH-668, upland cotton, heat, drought tolerance, tropical, less sheddingAbstract
Cotton variety: RH-668, produced by Cotton Research Institute, Khanpur, holds excessive tolerance against dry climatic stipulations and maintains superior fiber personae.Parental combination;VH-259 × RH-620 was used in hybridization followed by Pedigree method of selection to extract uniform genotypes with superior phenotypes. These superior plantswere then tested for yield under drought stress at station level before competing atseries of adaptability trials in Punjab followed by provincialand national coordinated varietal trials in the course of 2013-2018. Due to governance incorporated by tolerance against heat & drought it outperformed others at various climatic conditions countrywide for yield and fiber linked characters in opposition to the Standards varieties FH-142 &CIM-602. In Provincial (PCCT) and National level(NCVT) it gave 29.0% & 8.8%, respectively more yield when compared to check variety; FH-142. Hence, Accredited by seed Council, Punjab in 2018 for generic cultivation with 39.4 Ginning outturn percentage, 4.5 micronaire value, staple length of 28.78 (mm) and seed-cotton yield prospectiveper acre ofsixty twomounds.Due to fruiting from lower nodes; erect root development, Brittle leaf surface, lesser shedding of fruiting structures and protracted sympods with bead like bolls arrangement, it deliberately tolerates heat stress.
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