Modern technologies, Nano-fertilizers, Nano-particles, Ecofriendly, SynthesisAbstract
Global population growth during the past ten years has compelled the agricultural industry to boost crop yield to meet the requirements of billions of emerging nations. Widespread nutrient shortage in soil has caused a major nutritional value decline and substantial financial losses for farmers. Agriculture can only grow by using modern innovations wisely to raise output. The application of nanotechnology to plant science and agriculture has increased recently. The development of nanotechnology has made it easier to produce physiologically significant metal nanoparticles on a large scale. These nanoparticles are currently utilized to enhance fertilizers formulation for greater plant cell absorption and reducing nutrient loss. Ongoing study provides a fresh impression of nanoparticles (NPs) biosynthesis, their use as nano-fertilizers and nano-pesticides, their application in agriculture, and their contribution to improving the performance of bio factors. An overview of NPs-plant interactions, the destiny and fate of nanomaterials in plants, and the role of NPs in reducing the negative impacts of toxicity and stress has been provided. The information in the current review paper is essential for identifying the restrictions and potential uses of nano-fertilizers as a replacement for traditional fertilizers in the future.
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