Knowledge, Practices, Attitude, Sterile Techniques, Surgical Site InfectionAbstract
The pivotal aspect of patient care within the operating room is the operating room personnel. Therefore, assessing their knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning sterile techniques in the operating theatre is crucial, as infections pose a significant risk to post-operative patient morbidity and mortality. Wound infections are the second most prevalent type of hospital-acquired nosocomial infection in the United States. Recognizing that inadequate infection control and sterile technique practices in the operating room can contribute to wound infections, it is imperative to establish infection control principles and adhere to sterile technique standards. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of operating room personnel with respect to sterile techniques at Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) in Peshawar. A cross-sectional descriptive study approach was employed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of operating room personnel in the operating theaters of KTH. One hundred and eighty operating room personnel from the selected hospitals were chosen from the population using a non-probability convenient sampling method. The self-administered questionnaires were used to gauge their understanding of, attitude toward, and adherence to sterile techniques. The study's findings revealed that most respondents (74%) were male, 44.2% fell within the age range of 25-30 years, and most (74.6%) had less than 10 years of experience. Many respondents exhibited good knowledge, a positive attitude, and solid practices regarding sterile techniques. In conclusion, the study found that operating room personnel displayed good knowledge, a positive attitude, and sound practices about sterile techniques. Furthermore, the study established a direct relationship between knowledge, attitude, and practice. As a result, it is recommended that operating room personnel should participate in additional workshops or seminars on sterile techniques to stay updated on new developments in this field.
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