Alveolar Bone Thickness, Incisor Inclinations, Lateral Cephalograms, MalocclusionAbstract
To assess the inclination of incisors and thickness of alveolar bone in malocclusions of Class I and Class II. A comparative study was conducted on 114 individuals in which incisor inclinations and their relationships with the alveolar bone were assessed by using lateral cephalograms. In the study individuals with Class I malocclusion, with a mean age of 18.6 years were recruited along with the individuals of Class II malocclusions with a mean age of 18.27 years. Almost, 114 lateral cephalograms were taken from the individuals. Out of them, 51 had class II malocclusion and 63 had class I malocclusion. The overall mandibular alveolar thickness showed no statistically significant difference between class I and class II malocclusion (P=.086), while there was a slight but statistically significant variation in the maxillary alveolar thickness (P=0.029). There was no significant distinction in the maxillary incisor inclination between the two groups (P=.603), whereas the root apex location lower labial was considerably more posterior (P <.001). However, it was discovered that Class II malocclusion patients had a substantially higher mandibular incisor inclination (P=.004). In the study, the position of the mandibular incisor root apex varied significantly across classes I and II. The mandibular incisor root apex was therefore more posteriorly positioned in class II relative to the alveolar center.
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