RCA, SCA, GCA, HeterosisAbstract
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important cash crop worldwide, including Pakistan. Cotton is the fibre crop that plays a vital role in Pakistan's economy. Cotton devotes a major part to enhancing foreign exchange earnings and contributes 65 percent of total annual earnings by exporting the raw material and finished products of cotton. Identifying the parents with higher yield contributing traits is essential to enhance the economic yield. The diallel mating design was used because it is the best tool to discriminate between good and bad combiners. All crosses showed significant results except the number of monopodial branches, internodal distance and first fruiting branch node. Traits that showed significant variability were further analyzed for combining ability effects and gene action related to yield contributing traits. From parents NIAB-777 and Tipo-1 showed superior general combiners for most of the traits. Among the crosses NIAB-777 × Tipo-1, C-1 × Tipo-1 and C-1 × Shahkar exhibited high SCA. SCA variance for most of the genotypes was better than GCA and RCA variance. The information devised is really helpful in selecting suitable parents and hybrids for further breeding programs.
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